Several students from Beggs Elementary in Beggs, Oklahoma, voiced their concerns about education funding though letters aimed at their legislators.
“We kids have voices, so here’s what I’m going to say: ‘We get treated poorly, and we don’t want to lose our best teachers,’” wrote one student, whom the teachers asked to remain anonymous.
“It’s sad to see the legislature do this to the kids; bu,t it’s important that those reps hear not only our voices, but the kids they’re having an impact on because of all this,” said Darla Jones, a third-grade teacher at Beggs.
Another student from Beggs voiced their concern about how Oklahoma’s education funding crisis is going to affect their younger brother with special needs.
“My brother enjoys life different, and I’m afraid he is not going to get what he needs and when he needs it,” wrote another student from Beggs, whose teacher also wished for them to remain anonymous.
Although the students who wrote the letters were unable to make it to the Oklahoma State Capitol, their teachers were ready, letters in hand, to deliver them to their respective representatives.