By: Lauren Linville
The University of Oklahoma added a roller derby club to the long list of student organizations this past year. The club is a branch of the Oklahoma Victory Dolls Roller Derby team.
Cheyenne Riggs, an OU faculty member, started the club at OU and said she wants the club to expand, however, they haven’t done much yet to advertise.
“We haven’t done a whole lot to promote yet simply because we are in the middle of tournament season and we are almost every weekend either playing a game here in town or traveling somewhere to play a game,” she said.
“We are hoping soon to put flyers up around campus, to start chalking, our main goal is to set up a booth or a table on the quad so that we can actually be out there skating and representing OKVD (Oklahoma Victory Dolls) as a league to help with recruiting and also help with our fan base.”
The Oklahoma Victory Dolls Roller Derby team “develops, harbors, and supports the caliber of athletes that have the ability to compete on a national level,” according to their official website. Riggs said the goal is to recruit OU students and help them work their way up to compete.
“We see OU as a huge recruitment pool,” Riggs said. “We see a lot of students there and my personal experience as a student was somebody who played sports in middle school and high school and didn’t go on to that collegiate level to play sports but still really missed that team atmosphere and that exercise that I was getting.”
The Oklahoma Victory Dolls Roller Derby
team practices at ‘Skate Fever’ in Tuttle, Oklahoma.
(Lauren Linville)
‘Star Skate’ hosts the team on Monday nights
for a scrimmage. ‘Star Skate’ is located on
Lindsey Street in Norman, Oklahoma.
(Lauren Linville)