Oklahoma meteorology students wanted to do more than study the recent hurricanes that have devastated parts of the nation. Three student-led organizations raised thousands of dollars in less than a month to donate to local charities in those areas.
Groups within the the University of Oklahoma’s College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences joined forces to raise funds for those affected by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. The groups, the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society in the National Weather Association (SCAN) and the Oklahoma Weather Lab (OWL), took up cash as well as developing a website for electronic donations.
The groups set an initial goal of $1,000 but doubled that in just over three weeks. Elizabeth Smith, SAC’s doctoral representative, is credited with the idea.
“As we saw things unfolding with Hurricane Harvey then Irma and then later on with Maria, we were all kinda moved to do something about it. We figured we could do better if we worked together,” said Smith.
Boxes were left around the National Weather Center in Norman for those passing by to drop a few dollars in. Students within these organizations signed up to work shifts at tables set up to ask for donations. Members also raised awareness through social media, promoting a website that was created for online contributions.
“Social media has had quite a big impact on this cause,” said Erik Green, SCAN Outreach Chairman and SAC senior representative.
The fundraising deadline was Oct. 6, 2017.
“For me, it’s a very rewarding feeling to be able to give something tangible back to people who are impacted by the things that we study,” said Smith.