A Campus Corner parking has reimplemented its old token system to ensure that those who park are also paying customers.
The lot, owned by a single landlord and rented to businesses nearby, asks customers to insert a token connected to their electronic gate upon exiting the lot. Tokens come at no additional charge but are only provided to customers upon request with purchase at affiliated businesses.
While the electronic gate was in place previously, it was recently repaired to enforce stricter parking from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays.
“Our landlord does not like students parking here…only customers that are going to the businesses that rent from her. Technically, employees aren’t supposed to park there either,” Madison Salem, a Hurts Donut employee said.
Employees are asked to find alternative parking on Campus Corner that doesn’t hinder customers.
Though not previously enforced, the lot has always had a two hour parking limit. Although there are less cars throughout the day now enforcing these systems, there seems to be more business, Salem said.
Along with the token system, the lot will be implementing security cameras with license plate readers to ensure that customers are only allotted their two hour time limit. Those who exceed their limit will be towed.
Campus Corner parking lot on Feb. 7.
The Campus Corner repaired electronic gate will require customers to have a token to exit the lot.
Campus Corner token meter on Feb. 7.
The repaired Campus Corner meter will require citizens to insert a token that can only be obtained through spending money at affiliated businesses.