OU Student Government Association (SGA) focused on introducing written resolutions to give students a platform for voicing concerns. Additionally, SGA speculated in promoting local businesses in upcoming legislation.
Among the SGA’s resolutions for increased inclusivity, the organization dedicated its efforts to create concrete programs for students to feel accepted and welcome on campus. SGA members pledged to best represent the interests and experiences of minority students on campus.
“When it comes to diversity and inclusivity issues it’s all focused on the idea of love, but love is an action word. How do you put love into action; how do you utilize that love,” said Baker, SGA president.
Since his inauguration in the fall of 2016, J.D. Baker and the SGA’s initiative to erect programs like the Student Perspective Series or the Writing Letter Party was directly influenced through the events in the media—Charlottesville attacks, for instance.
The Student Perspective Series was a program that allotted a space for a pre-chosen, marginalized group of students to speak on behalf of their experiences at OU. The Letter Writing Party was an initiative standing for solidary where students wrote letters to those affected in the Charlottesville attacks.
“We need to have these conversations to humble ourselves; to take pride; to make sure that we’re making things more accessible for the these people that are particularly being marginalized or overlooked,” said Baker.
Baker continued overseeing these issues throughout the remainder of his presidency. Baker does not plan on running for office for the upcoming year, and will leave office at the end of October 2017.