Local churches in Oklahoma open their doors to elementary school students during the teacher walkout this week.
Public schools across Oklahoma closed April 2-3 as teachers marched at the state capitol for higher education funding, and the strike is planned to continue. Parents needed a place to send their kids during the school day, and churches responded with impromptu with daycare programs.
“This is a way to serve the parents,” said Heather Brim, children’s ministry coordinator at Paradigm Church in Norman.
Paradigm Church has been offering daycare for kids ages pre-K to fifth grade. From large-group worship to small-group Bible teaching, crafts and even an organized trip to a Norman fire station, the kids have plenty to keep them busy during the days off.

As the walkout continues, more parents call to ask for childcare during the school day. Brim said they will accept as many kids as the can get.
Journey Church in Norman has also been taking in students during the teacher strike for “Have a Blast Days.” They welcomed elementary school kids to attend and participate in games, praise and worship and Bible teachings.
“We had 100 kids the first day,” said Pastor Alan Sample. “Another 40 registered before Tuesday morning, and we won’t turn anyone away.”
Journey Church also invited middle school and high school students to come serve the elementary school kids.
“This is a great way for all of us to come together and serve the community,” said Pastor Alan.
Both churches plan to continue providing childcare as long as the teacher strike continues.